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Contemporary Adult is the musical brainworm of Zach Farr, a Los Angeles-based singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist originally from middle-of-nowhere South Georgia. Musically, Contemporary Adult is indie rock/pop with avante-garde leanings. They released their first LP “Terrestrial” in May 2022, and are currently mostly operating as a 5-piece band as they roll out their sophomore album over the course of the coming year.

The concept behind the project is that Contemporary Adult is a humanoid sea creature that found their way to land and is attempting to learn the ways of humans. Each release explores this process to some extent, as the character tries on different personas in simultaneously cartoonish and deeply relatable ways.

They have been reviewed by Glide Magazine, We All Want Someone to Shout For, Last Day Deaf, For the Rabbits, and others.

As the sound and concepts develop in a more fire-y and rock-oriented direction, the new album roll-out includes a full band, additionally featuring Nate Sonenfeld on drums, Brin Gordon on bass, AC Carter on synths, and Thomas Welsh on guitar.

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